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Web Development and Design Foundations

Use test-driven development to create a JavaScript server using the Express framework. Create persistent Flask apps by learning how to set up a database and create, read, update, and delete data in the database. Learn how to plan and conduct user research, analyze user data, and share research insights by creating a research report. Learn how to easily build single-page web applications using this popular JavaScript framework.

If you want to become a web developer, you need to start with learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Developing excellence in these frameworks will make your foundation strong. JavaScript is used in many applications, including web browsers, email programs, third-party APIs, and mobile applications such as Google and Bing maps.

A hands-on introduction to all of the essential tools you’ll need to build real, working websites. You’ll learn what web developers actually do – the foundations you’ll need for later courses. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of back-end web development! You will create your own web application that queries a database for items on restaurant menus and then dynamically generates complete menus in the form of web pages and API endpoints.

Surely, one of the best certification courses for web developer. You will be under the constant guidance of our SMEs, so you can easily complete the projects offered in this training. Intellipaat training helped me make a career switch from a Developer to a Software Engineer with a 100% hike even during the pandemic. The Web Development Glossary is probably the largest of its kind.

In this course, you’ll discover how all of the major components of web applications work and best practices in developing secure, data-driven web applications. Interacting with a persistent datastore is what transforms static web pages into powerful and effective web applications. Giving users the ability to create, read, update and delete data is the backbone of the most popular services on the Internet today.

Are you unsure about your style sheets’ quality, or whether you’ve maxed out your options? CSS Optimization Basics covers the necessary mindsets, discusses the main optimization methods, and presents useful resources to write higher quality CSS. We change lives, businesses, and nations through digital Marketing, developing the edge you need to conquer what’s next. You should also have a firm understanding of SQL and working with a relational database, particularly PostgreSQL. Our Intro to Relational Databases course can get you started if you feel you’re not yet prepared.

Jumpstart your career with this skill path, first by learning the C# language, then building web apps with ASP.NET Core and the Razor Pages. It is used to create dynamic websites and applications that respond based on the devices users are on. An open-source software project, GitHub allows web developers to work together on a range of website development projects with ease. Mastering the use of GitHub is one of the best practices to grow as a web developer as it is a prerequisite in any website development program.

Build powerful interactive applications with React, a popular JavaScript library. Learn how to use JavaScript — a powerful and flexible programming language for adding website interactivity. Learn the fundamentals of PHP, one of the most popular languages of modern web development. Learn about the computer science concepts of data structures and algorithms and build implementations of each from scratch in modern Java. Learn about the computer science concepts of data structures and algorithms and build implementations from scratch in modern JavaScript. Course Projects See the projects your students could be building with Mastery Coding.Funding Alignments See what federal and state funding sources our products align to.

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